Slip Prevention in Restaurants

Reasons a Restaurant can be Slippery

Liquid spills are among the most common reasons for why a restaurant floor can become slippery. Beverages, cooking oils, and greasy substances can  quickly contaminate and make a floor slick, increasing the risk of slip and fall accidents.

The use of improper cleaning products or techniques can leave a residue on the surface, making it the culprit in slip and fall accidents. This is especially true if the cleaning solution is not properly mixed or if the floor is not thoroughly rinsed after cleaning. Many restaurants mop a degreaser onto the floor and then close shop for the night, this ends up making matters worst as now you have spread a mix of grease and soap without ever rinsing it properly.

Over time, floors in high-traffic areas can become worn and smooth, reducing traction and making them more prone to becoming slippery, especially when wet. This wear can be accelerated in areas near kitchens and bathrooms where moisture and grease are more prevalent.

Florida humidity combined with the heat creates a necessity for air conditioning. However, this may lead to condensation forming on the floor due to differences in temperature between the floor surface and the air. This natural accumulation of moisture can create a serious hazard on restaurant floors. Additionally, moisture can be tracked in from outside during the rainy seasons!

Measures to Take!